I Am Legend Richard Matheson 9780312865047 Books

I Am Legend Richard Matheson 9780312865047 Books
I Am Legend is a classic horror story. Some regard it as THE classic horror story. Influencing great modern horror writers like Stephen King, it's one that will stick with you. I still remember the exact moment I started and finished this book nearly 10 years ago. I was sitting shotgun while my father drove us home from a vacation in Michigan. The AC was too high and I was freezing but couldn't bare to pull my eyes away from this story long enough to ask him to turn it down.I was delighted that I could find a Non-Will Smith cover for this book. As many people know, this story has been adapted into 3 or 4 movies over the years. Word of warning, this is different from the Will Smith movie. If the movie was a standalone with a different name, I would have liked it more. As an adaptation of the book, the movie is seriously lacking.
Differences like the fact that the vampires can talk make this story more compelling as the last man on earth isn't alone. This is one of my favorite books of all time.
If you've seen the movie, you can still read the book and be very enthralled. Different enough where you won't know the twists.
Great writing. This book made me want to become an author when I was little.
Can't say too much more as I don't want to give anything away.
Be careful to purchase the correct copy if you're avoiding the Will Smith movie cover print.
The sticker on the back of mine was sticky enough that now, once removed, my book sticks to everything. That's my biggest complaint people. Back of the book is a little sticky. Seriously. Buy this!

Tags : I Am Legend [Richard Matheson] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Robert Neville is the last living man on Earth...but he is not alone. Every other man, woman, and child on Earth has become a vampire,Richard Matheson,I Am Legend,Orb Books,031286504X,Horror - General,Occult & Supernatural,Horror tales,Horror tales.,Vampires - Fiction,Vampires;Fiction.,110304 Tor Trade-Tor Trade Paperback,FICTION Horror,FICTION Occult & Supernatural,Fiction,Fiction - Horror,Fiction-Horror,FictionOccult & Supernatural,GENERAL,General Adult,Horror,Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic,Vampires,horror books; horror stories; best horror books; best of horror; horror fiction; best horror novels; horror novels; richard matheson books; richard matheson stories; best Richard Matheson; classic horror; best horror; apocalyptic horror; post apocalyptic horror; classic zombie books; vampire horror; zombie horror; zombie apocalypse; vampire apocalypse; zombie survival; vampire survival; zombie fiction; vampire fiction; apocalyptic fiction; apocalyptic books; post apocalyptic fiction; the apocalypse; apocalypse books; apocalypse fiction; post apocalypse; apocalypse novels,richard matheson books; richard matheson stories; best Richard Matheson; classic horror; best horror; horror books; horror stories; best horror books; best of horror; horror fiction; best horror novels; horror novels; apocalyptic horror; post apocalyptic horror; classic zombie books; vampire horror; zombie horror; zombie apocalypse; vampire apocalypse; zombie survival; vampire survival; zombie fiction; vampire fiction; apocalyptic fiction; apocalyptic books; post apocalyptic fiction; the apocalypse; apocalypse books; apocalypse fiction; post apocalypse; apocalypse novels
I Am Legend Richard Matheson 9780312865047 Books Reviews
I enjoyed the movie, having watched it long before I knew of Mathesons novel. Even having read 'He'll House' I was still unaware of 'I Am Legend'.
I read with half-expectancies of what was going to happen, the dog, the woman, the society, etc.
This book is nothing like the movie and yet I can see the blood of this novel deep throughout the film. It's incredible, a survival story of one lonely man against darkness and those which dwell within.
The ending was perfect and Robert was an amazing character to experience.
Regardless of how you felt about the movie, give this short yet powerful novel your attention and it won't disappoint. It's well thought out and researched (especially the anatomy and science Robert takes on).
Again, I enjoyed the movie but this book was an entirely different animal and I loved it!
I remember enjoying the movie The Omega Man with Charlton Heston when I was young. Then came the movie I am Legend with Will Smith. I really liked that one, and I (wrongly) assumed that since they had used the original title from the book that both movies were based on, that it stayed closer to the original source material. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Neither movie was anything like this book And this book was bad.
It's about vampires. Garlic sweating, crucifix fearing vampires. For me, vampires have their place, but it is not in a science-fiction story.
It's not well written. The plot has so many holes in it that the protagonist feels obligated to point them out from time to time. And the protagonist is no Charlton Heston. He is not likable or even understandable. At best he is a cliche. His internal dialog is moronic and his actions are not much better.
I did not give this book one star because I did not hate it, and there were a few parts that held my interest, but it was a weak two-star read.
A virus has turned everyone on Earth into a vampire. Robert Neville is the last uninfected man still alive. By day he goes about his business repairing his fortified house, stringing garlic necklaces, sharpening stakes, collecting supplies from what he can scavenge in town. But after sundown he’d better be home behind the locked doors, because they always come knocking after dark. And he is so very lonely.
I’m not a frequent reader of vampire stories, but I’m glad I gave this a go. Written long before the recent zombie and vampire book/TV show deluge that seemed to be everywhere, I found this novella well-written and thoughtful. I was thoroughly entertained.
This was a very cool book. I had not realized this was written in 1954 until someone mentioned it. Of course, I had seen the movie, and I was intrigued when someone said the book was nothing like it. So true. This book was an awesome look at the degradation of a man's sanity as he lives three years in near isolation while keeping vampires at bay. It seems to run counter to traditional vampire themes of the time, and still seems like a very fresh idea today.
There were a few moments when I disconnected from the book, but mostly I thought it was great. I flew right through it.
I'll say this; I'm glad I saw the movie before I read the book. If I'd read the book before I'd seen the film I would have been so peed-off at the hack job the movie was. At least I have the ability to say it was a mildly entertaining, if not regurgitated zombie movie.
This book is fantastic. The way that Matheson builds Robert Neville, from the angry drunk to the somber yet thoughtful man, resigned to his fate. It's an emotional ride as we visit, through his memories, the brutal way in which his daughter was taken and burned with the other infected. The way his wife slowly succumbed to the plague and the way he had to deal with her, the dog, and finally Ruth and his breakdown.
The way Matheson treats the vampires is so clever and refreshing and something I didn't expect. I chose this book because I'm making my way through the Sci-Fi Masterworks list and thought, well it's about vampires, why is it on this list? Well now I know and I'm glad it deserves to be.
Finally, unlike the movie, when you read the very last sentence to fully understand why it's titled, I Am Legend.
I Am Legend is a classic horror story. Some regard it as THE classic horror story. Influencing great modern horror writers like Stephen King, it's one that will stick with you. I still remember the exact moment I started and finished this book nearly 10 years ago. I was sitting shotgun while my father drove us home from a vacation in Michigan. The AC was too high and I was freezing but couldn't bare to pull my eyes away from this story long enough to ask him to turn it down.
I was delighted that I could find a Non-Will Smith cover for this book. As many people know, this story has been adapted into 3 or 4 movies over the years. Word of warning, this is different from the Will Smith movie. If the movie was a standalone with a different name, I would have liked it more. As an adaptation of the book, the movie is seriously lacking.
Differences like the fact that the vampires can talk make this story more compelling as the last man on earth isn't alone. This is one of my favorite books of all time.
If you've seen the movie, you can still read the book and be very enthralled. Different enough where you won't know the twists.
Great writing. This book made me want to become an author when I was little.
Can't say too much more as I don't want to give anything away.
Be careful to purchase the correct copy if you're avoiding the Will Smith movie cover print.
The sticker on the back of mine was sticky enough that now, once removed, my book sticks to everything. That's my biggest complaint people. Back of the book is a little sticky. Seriously. Buy this!

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